hello everyone, today I am here to review GEO SUPER NUDY BLUE contact lenses which the lovely solution-lens has kindly sponsored me with ♥
the packaging
first of all, before I show photos I would just like to say that the packaging was absolutely beautiful and adorable. when I first received the package it was enclosed in a brown taped parcel with cute mini stickers stuck on. IT WAS ADORABLE and I just had to take one look at the package to know it was my lenses! after I unwrapped the package and took a look inside I honestly did not expect it to be packaged in such a way, let me show you:

as you can see, they have packaged the lenses into a small woven wooden box which contained: an adorable bear pen, a set of pink bear earrings, and a pink lens case for free, along with my two chosen lenses, all beautifully wrapped and presented . it was a very pleasant surprise ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ!

the lenses

have I ever worn circles?
I have never worn any sort of circle lens in my life, only normal coloured lenses. these are my first ever pair of circle lenses, thank you and please keep reading! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ however I have always heard great feedback about the brand GEO lenses and how they receive generally good reviews. Because of this I decided to try out this brand as my first pair to ever review and try on.

EYE COLOUR: my natural eye colour is a very dark brown in dim lighting, and it is extremely hard for me to find a pair of lenses that will actually show up properly due to my dark eye colour. however, these lenses show up beautifully on my natural eye colour in both dim and natural light. the pictures below are all taken with natural lighting! see how much it really makes my eyes pop? I was very pleased with the overall colour and I believe it is truly beautiful. I have had many compliments today whilst wearing them so I would definitely recommend this colour to anyone with dark eyes like myself! the natural lighting here however was quite dim as there was no sun, so just imagine what it will look like when there is! (super glistening blue!)
COMFORT: surprisingly, as a first time circle lens wearer, I found that applying these lenses very easy and wearing them was extremely comfortable. the first time I had ever put colour lenses on I found them extremely uncomfortable and refused to wear them again due to irritation caused by them even though I had thoroughly cleansed it. my eyes are also extremely sensitive and get red with even the slightest bit of dirt that comes into contact with them. however this was not the case with these lenses and I figured this must be due to solution-lens' selling GENUINE GEO LENSES which have all been CHECKED FOR AUTHENTICITY (so you are not risking your money or eyes here if you buy them!). taking them out was no problem either, so I would definitely purchase lenses from this site! I have also have heard problems where people who wear circles feel as if their eyes become extremely dry after an hour or so of wearing. however, with these lenses I found that even after 5 hours of wearing my eyes did not dry up and all I had to do was add a couple of rewetting drops in order to to gain maximum comfort!
ENLARGEMENT: as you can see by the pictures, the lenses have given my eyes a much more rounder and dolly like look. not only that but it has added an extra twinkle to my eye which looks lovely in the light! these GEO lenses have a dark ring around the outer outline of your eye, creating an enlarged eye effect! it truly is beautiful and I would definitely recommend this to anyone whom is planning to cosplay a blue-eyed character! truthfully, because I have quite round eyes already I didn't expect the enlargement to be all that different, but when I came down the stairs my family thought my eyes looked like a dolly! these lenses in specific are 14.5mm in diameter and they honestly are an irreplaceable accessory for any sort of cosplay where you want to look like a full on animated character.

the site
I found this site through my auntie who greatly recommends this store due to her daughter buying her lenses for her cosplay from here! furthermore, I was also browsing online to look for a reliable source on where to purchase these "circle lenses" I was hearing so much about, and solution-lens just so happened to come up as a "top answer". therefore I decided to go and check out this site and contact them about the lens sponsor in which they replied within a quick 24 hours, if that!

NAVIGATION: the navigation of the site is extremely easy and useful. on the main page it will show the screen above where you can simply just click on a specific colour you want or a brand and it will automatically filter out your option. not only that, but on the sidebar there are so many more options such as searching by diameter and styles! for example if I were to select the "GEO" brand it will only show up lenses by GEO.

from there all you have to do is just select the lens you want and voila~ just select the "buy now" button and then go and pay~ simple right? furthermore, they also have model pictures on real buyers so you can get an idea of what they look like on you! ヾ(。◕ฺ∀◕ฺ)ノ they also have a large list of categories down the side as well if you don't want to keep on switching between pages~ handy huh? the layout of the site is very well presented as well. by this I mean that the pictures of the lenses are big enough so you can see them clearly whilst browsing and it is easy to spot which design you would potentially want. I have found that on many lens selling sites they have placed the thumbnails too small so I would have to click on the thumbnail in order to get a zoomed in image, then I would not want that design and then have to press the back button and then scroll down to where I previously was before on the list AND IT WAS A VERY LONG PROCESS.
SPECIAL OFFERS: who doesn't love special offers?! solution-lens is the definition of amazing offers! their offer is:
and it doesn't end there! check out these special deals~ I usually find that circle lenses cost from up to £15+ (which is around $25.50) so compare that to having one pair for $19.90 or even 3 pairs for only $39.80 compared to the would be price of $76.50?! and don't even get me started on the would be price of 15 pairs. I mean surely you would not spend $25.50 per lens when you could get it from here for $13 per pair AND free shipping?

oh? you want more reasons to buy from this site? how about this?

so why not check their deals and lenses out? furthermore, they all have a GEO ANTI-FAKE CHECK, FDA/EU APPROVED LENSES, and CRUELTY FREE lenses! so visit their site now~
CUSTOMER SERVICE: the service on this site is amazing, they interact very well if you are having any troubles and the instructions they give out are straight to the point and easy to understand. so I have this thing where I get annoyed if people go on and on without getting to the point but they made me feel at ease when talking and replied within 24 hours all the time. shipping of the lenses came extremely quick, they had told me it would take up to 3 weeks however it came within 6 days if that! so super fast replies and super fast shipping, what more could you want from them?! I have also realised that if you cannot make their deadline on their review in time for a legit reason, they will understand and postpone it and not many companies do this.

they are actually all so pretty and I want each and every one of them, I mean just look at it and their colours. they are beautiful and I would definitely love to review one pair of these one day! these are my favourites in order:

OVERALL OPINION OF THE SITE: the site is extremely simple and super easy to navigate about. what more could you ask from a site? customer service is brilliant and the deals that the site for lenses are amazing! I would definitely recommend this site, including for new circle lens users! the requirements in order to get sponsored was extremely simple and also very generous. they told me if you produce a good review for them that they will happily sponsor another pair AND make a good statement about you to other lens stores. with high quality assistance and lens they also have an ongoing lens giveaway which almost anyone can win so why not check out their site and give it a go?! I MEAN LOOK AT THEIR PRICES FOR THEIR LENS! IT IS SO CHEAP AND HAS SUCH HIGH QUALITY I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY ARE GENUINE -CRIES-




OVERALL OPINION OF THE LENSES: the lenses are beautiful, comfortable, and enlarging. I could not have asked for more and these lenses have definitely set a good first impression on circle lenses for me! I am in love with the glisten that it gives to my eyes and how it makes my eyes truly stand out. for a first pair they have truly met all my expectations and I will definitely use these pairs for my Ciel Phantomhive cosplay in the future! if I am no longer sponsored by them anytime I would definitely repurchase from here anyway because I just love their site. I have seen so many blues and greens tried on my mother and none of the lenses she has pops as much as these, in fact she told me she was jealous about the colour! I am so grateful towards solution-lens for providing me with these beauties!




A starter to Circle Lenses
PLEASE CHECK: expiry date when you receive/buy your lenses!
The expiry date indicates whether the SOLUTION that your lens are in has expired, NOT the lens itself.

Basic Care for Your Circle Lenses:


-DO NOT wear them straight after you open them. Place in fresh lens cleansing solution and let soak for at least 4 hours.
-DO NOT sleep with them on under any circumstances!
-While wearing them, try to avoid rubbing your eyes. The lenses could fall out, or get stuck somewhere in your eyes (not trying to scare you, but keep it in mind)
-DO NOT apply with long nails for the first few times you try to wear them. This way you can reduce any chance of you damaging your eyes whilst trying to apply (since they are extremely fiddly!)


-After taking them out, always put back in FRESH solution. After the first time, you only have to soak them for 1-2 hours before wearing again.
-Be sure to thoroughly wash your hands before you put the lenses in and take them out.
- Carry your lens case with fresh solution in it with you whenever you wear your lenses, so you can take them out at any time.
- Carry around re-wetting drops so you can apply some to your eyes if they feel dry at any time!

thank you so much once again for the beautiful lenses, and I hope to be reviewing from you again!

WOOOW very cute, but i'm from poland. <3 podmarzeniami.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteaww thank you very much maya <3 i will check out your blog c":