Hello there little lovelies~ how are you all today?
Today I am posting about the MCM London expo held on Saturday!
take a looksie here:

okay so it isn't the clearest picture ever but I will upload a clearer one in a little bit, just keep reading if you want to!

So what did I look like there? (IF YOU GUYS SAW ME PLEASE CONTACT ME!) Here is a before and after picture of me without and then with makeup~
Big difference kinda right? Well the after photo was me after I had my eyeliner done (by this lovely girl) and after I had drawn on my little kitty whiskers + added lip colour c: Also, you may notice that my fringe looks different~ that is because I decided to cut the wig and I tell you IT WAS SO HARD, URGH IT WAS SO THICK AND I SWEAR THE SCISSORS ARE BROKEN NOW D: I might do a makeup tutorial sometime~?
Oh and here are some more pictures of me+the people who came (are all my family+the girl standing next to me wearing the purple seifuku is my best friend as mentioned earlier~!)

okay, they are not THAT clear, but you get the idea of it right? :D


So what is in this picture?
♥kitten gloves♥
♥pink wig with 2 curly extension clips (can straighten)♥
♥wig cap♥
♥kitty maid ears (clearer picture further down)♥
♥maid headband♥
♥white kitten ears w/bells♥
♥devil horn clips♥
♥hello kitty lensless glasses♥
♥bell collar♥
♥cute grey eared beanie♥
Truthfully I just wanted to buy out the whole place, and I wanted a flower crown but they were hell too expensive! (I can just buy one on Ebay or something~!) I am also extremely excited to use the wig and maybe do a review on the quality of it (but I will definitely post better pictures later on in another post to discuss if it really is heat durable etc!)!

So this is the picture of the devil horns I mentioned earlier, the clips are kind of hard to put on and really fiddly but overall they were in really good condition! They came in either a red or black colour but I preferred the black ones because they would go well with more of my things~!

This is the kitten maid headband I bought, I took 2 pictures in order for you to get a better look at the quality of the headband since there is a lot of lace etc involved. It is extremely well made and sits well on my head~ if I remember correctly i bought this for £8, a bit pricey-ish but oh well, I might have regretted not buying it in the end!

Well that concludes all the products bought, I got alot of photos of me taken from other people (I tell you, my posing was really meh!) Overall I had an amazing day and I hope that anyone else who went also had a fabulous shopping spree+day with all fellow cosplayers/fans! My best friend spent about £200 on merchandise purely on Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler:

(photo was taken by her)
She also got a poster as well but I can't find the picture, such is the life of a fangirl for anime~! We agreed to do a cosplay where I am Ciel and she is Lizzy, sounds fun right?
Anyway goodbye everyone and look forward to a review on either my wig or facemasks I recently bought~ oh the excitement huhu >w<!

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